Saturday 16 May 2015

Creative Writing - The Mysterious Rug

  The Mysterious Rug
I am learning to entertain my audience
                      BY Abraham Tonga
Once upon a time there lived a grey headed old man and his name was Mark, he was a grumpy old man that lived in an old  fashioned cottage, it was beautiful it was filled with  bright colours.

Mark also had a magical rug ,  he  had brought the rug from India. It’s colours are quite dingy but he liked it like that. He used it for nothing but he decided to do something about it. That day Mark lay down the rug in the living room. That night after a few hours he heard some noises, he yelled “hello?, anyone there?”
there was silence for a moment.

Suddenly there was a sound of movement, the rug moved and it was creeping, his heart was about to shatter as the rug was twitching. He shouted again “Help!’  the creature under the rug got closer and closer to Mark but before the creature touched him he let out a scream, his neighbors ran over to see what had happened they knocked on the door.

His neighbors still knocking on the door aloud, he was power walking to the door “Get away from there!“ he shouted but they did not so he repeated “Get away from there!” he shouted they ran away they were frightened  that night he had no rest he had stay up this lasted for four nights.

He  was  too scared to lift the cover but did it anyways so he slowly lifted the cover but there was nothing there was he just seeing things, was he just dreaming but when he woke up he went to the living room and saw the rug moving it was not a dream or he wasn't seeing was what was he seeing there is questions rushing through my head.


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