Tuesday 5 May 2015

Creative Writing - Gone Missing

Gone Missing
I.a.l.t entertain my audience
by Poppy Clemas
One frosty cold morning Charlie Alexandra Brown went outside to the pond to entertain himself, he was tossing stones as far and as fast as he could into the pond and something very mysterious was happening, the stones were coming back to him, he was confused and terrified. He thorough the last one and ran off in fright.

Soon he had saw the stone had gone past him and was heading towards the forest, he looked at his parents making breakfast and knew he was just imagining it so charlie chased after the stone into the forest forgetting his parents didn't know where he was.

He sprinted into the forest, running after the stone, he got into the forest and the stone was out of site, it had disappeared, so he wandered back thinking he was imagining it, he started walking back until he heard a rustle in the trees near by, he stopped and looked around then snuck into the trees and found a trail of stone prints, he ran after the prints not noticing he was going into another planet.

He ran into some tall, strong and odd looking people, and they thought that he was trying to get into Taylor's palace to see the queen so they dumped him in jail. Charlie felt something very odd in the room but the thing was there was nothing in the room, he looked around and knew he would be stuck in there for ever. He sat down and was trying to think of a way to escape.  

He put his hands on the bar and he noticed they bent a little, he pushed the bars as hard as he could and made a hole as big as him, so he crept through the hole and walked around looking for the exit. Well he was doing that he saw the stone bouncing towards the mountains, so looked round and saw the exit was nowhere to be seen. He looked at the stone and knew it would take him back home, he took off following the stone.

As he was running he saw that the sky was turning pink, he stopped for a break and listened to a sound of howling and growling all around. Charlie looked around and saw that a massive lollipop monster was coming towards him, he sprinted as fast as a cheater before the lollipop got to close, his heart froze as he saw the giant lollipop’s sharp teeth and even worse the stone on top of the lollipop guarding it.

He raced between the mountains and saw the stone had gone past him and into a gold circle as big as a mouse, and disappeared, so he looked around at all the candy surrounding and the lollipop monster then at the gold circle and decided to go into the gold circle, he ran into the circle, then everything turned white but one thing, a door. The stone stopped and looked around to Charlie, Charlie was shaking with fear and stood back, then the stone continued heading towards the door. The door opened and the stone went through.

Charlie looked behind him then looked in front of him he ran to the door and went through, he was back in the forest, he saw the rock going back to the pond and laying on the pond shore. Charlie felt a breeze racing down his spine, he walked back up to the pond. He saw the stone laying on the pond shore looking like a normal stone, he bent down to pick it up,his hands felt like they were boneless and losing circulation, once he picked it up he skimmed it as far as he could but nothing happened, it didn't come back, it didn't bounce around, and it certainly didn't run away from him. Was he dreaming , was he just imagining it, or was it all true. Who knows?

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