Friday 26 September 2014

Ella's Dolphin Information Reaport

By Ella lord

Swimming in the deep blue sea all around the world are dolphins. Dolphins are mammals, So that means that they are warm blooded.


Dolphins eat fish like herring, cod or mackerel, some other dolphins eat squid. The biggest dolphin in the world, the orca, eats seals, sea lions and sometimes even turtles! The average dolphin weighs 200kg to 250kg and will eat between 10kg to 25kg of fish every day.


There are 42 species of dolphins all over the world. 38 of them are marine dolphins and 4 are river dolphins. The most common dolphin is the bottle nose dolphin, it is found all most everywhere around the world. One of the river dolphins is the pink river dolphin. It is found in the Amazon River. The biggest dolphin in the world is the orca witch is also known as the killer whale.


Dolphins are found all over the world. Dolphins can live in the saltwater or fresh waters. But only certain species can live in fresh waters. Dolphins are normally found in warm waters. Sometimes they can be found in cold waters for need of food. Dolphins swim in groups also known as a pod. In a pod of dolphins there are normally about 12 swimming together.
Overall dolphins are amazing creatures. They can be found all most everywhere around the world. Dolphins are beautiful creatures.     

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Smiley Eyes Productions

Term 3, 2014 room 6. Pheilem, Dominic, Lupe, Isaac and Josh are all part of  Smiley Eyes productions. They have made a master piece of filming on a pencil case. How can pencil cases save your life? These children need help.

Bad Splat Productions

At the beginning of  term 3 we had started feeling nervous doing our rubric and storyboard and even though we couldn't get through to each other we decided to join them together and when we did our movie some things changed  and it was a wonderful experience we all enjoyed doing this movie we hope you enjoy our movie.                                                     

Starlight Productions

We had lots of fun making our film.At first we had to make a story board to help us understand what we were going to do. Then we got to film which was our favorite. After that we got to editing using imovie.As well as doing all of that we also created a billboard and a presentation showing our process.

Production Productions

We have made a fun film about us selling school bags with Greer as the director, Dalton as the main character, Liam and Jarry as the friends and Cole as the editor! We have put a lot of effort into this film, we hope you enjoy!

Rainbow Unicorn Productions


During Term Three, room six worked hard with Miss Gleeson to create an advert about an everyday  object. Every Tuesday in the middle block we would film, edit and make billboards which would get marked on a rubric. We worked hard on this and we hope you like it. 

Ecofilm Productions

Over term two and three we have been taught by the lovely Miss Gleeson in media studies (I.C.T work). We worked as a team to accomplish this film it took us a lot of effort to develop a billboard, a presentation, a poster, a storyboard, a film and editing. Overall we had lots of fun and enjoyed the experience.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

The Amazing Cuttlefish

There are creatures on the ocean floor and people think they are aliens, these creatures eat shrimp and crab and they also can shape-shift, they have green blood as well. These creatures are cuttlefish.


Cuttlefish are cephalopods that have the ability to change color and shape, which means they can disguise themselves to get away from predators. Cuttlefish don’t have a tail fin or anything like that, they have one fin that goes all the way across their bodies. Cuttlefish also have eyes at the back of their heads, so they can see if predators are coming.


Cuttlefish have jet propulsion, they can shoot water from their bodies to escape predators, they are also known to spray ink if alarmed to cause confusion. Cuttlefish flesh is poisonous, so if they get eaten the predator who ate it won’t survive either.


Cuttlefish can change color and shape in seconds by using special skin cells and chromatophores (cells containing color), which reflect light in all sorts of colors. They also have three hearts, one for each gill and one for the rest of the body. Cuttlefish bones are full of gas, they have small chambers of gas that keep them floating.


I believe Cuttlefish are amazing and unique and that people should find out more about weird and wonderful animals like the Cuttlefish.

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Healed - A poem about forgiveness

A wound, a broken bone.
Someone hurt you, inside, outside.
A friend or a sibling, a mother or a father.
Where do you go? No one to turn to, 
no one but... Jesus. He says "Forgive" and I do.     
My wound is healed, broken bones fixed,
forgiven is my family and forgiven is my friends.
Mended is my relationships and Jesus is my friend.

Tuesday 16 September 2014

The Arctic Owl

Too wit, too woo. What, an owl in the arctic? That’s right an owl in the arctic called the Arctic, Snowy or Great White Owl. The snowy conditions make it perfect for their white feathers to camouflage into the snow. The Snowy owl is a carnivore and has quite a lot of white plumage. The Snowy owl is one of the largest owls in the world.

The Snowy owl's habitat is the snowy conditions of the arctic tundra ranging across Canada, Greenland, Europe and Russia. Snowy owls makes their nests on the ground in bushes, not in trees. The Snowy owl's habitat helps their camouflage because of their white feathers or plumage blending into the snow.


It is extremely hard to see a Snowy owl because of its appearance, however you can spot the difference between a male and a female. The female has lots of distinctive black spots and the male does have some black spots, but it does not have as many as the female. Their white feathers make it perfect for hunting because their prey can't see them due to their camouflage.

The Snowy owl is a carnivore which means an animal that only eats meat. The Snowy owl eats, duck, mice, rats, fish, other birds and much more. Sometimes they eat so much they can produce a whopping 14 eggs, two times more than regular owls.

In conclusion, the Snowy owl is a magnificent owl, from laying 14 eggs to camouflaging extremely well and eating lots of meat to being one of the largest owls in the world. Overall, these are amazing, unique creatures.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Mothers Day Tribute

Happy Mother’s Day

Mum, you are the best mum in the world and you make me laugh, you always are there for me when I need you. Mum, thank you for looking after me and thank you for cooking for us. Mum, you are as pretty as a flower. Thank you mum for everything you have done for and appreciating who I am

Love always Lupe xoxo!!!

Mothers Day Tribute

Always love you

Dear my lovely Mum is the best Mum, the loveliest mum. I love you, you help me all day. You are as pretty as a queen!

Mothers Day Tribute

To Mummy

Mummy, you smell like clean sheets of the washing you do. I love when you hug me and I can wrap my arms around you and surround you with love. You help me always and love me back. I love you mummy to the moon and back you help me with problems as big as the earth and the bond between us can never break

Mothers Day Tribute

Dear mum

Mum you always care for me and your always there for me. You blossom in front of me like a pretty flower. You have done so many things for me, like when I was sick. Your hugs are warm like the sun. so thank you so much mum.

By Shonelle.

Mothers Day Tribute

Happy mother’s day

Mum you are beautiful as a blooming flower, you are filled with the light of God I am grateful to have you as my mummy love you so much and thank you for everything, like being my best friend when I’m lonely you are cuddly as bear.

Love from Reta xoxo

Mothers Day Tribute

Dear Mum,

You are the light of the day, you help me on my journey as a chairman as what you would like to say. You always work hard to provide your family with food and aroha (love). You, your heart is like the sun that’s there when I need it.

Love from the one and only Ela xoxo.

Mothers Day Tribute

Dear Mum,

You give so much love in the world. When times are hard, you are always there for me. You are always serving me but to show my love for you I will serve you too. I love you mum.

Love From Katalina xoxo

Mothers Day Tribute

Mothers day

Dear mum

I am here to say that you make me feel better when I am blue, just with your words you make me feel as bright as the sun. No matter what situation you know what is best for me. You blossom in front of me every time that you are happy like a flower in the spring. I think everyone would agree with me that you are the best.

Love from Dalton

Mothers Day Tribute

Dear mum

You are like a tree growing wiser each day. You make me laugh when I am sad, your heart is filled with joy and glee. When I cuddle my teddy bear it reminds me of you. You are fierce like a tiger protecting me like a cub. You are a blessing in disguise that helps me when I am sick and you help me when I cry.

Love Ashton

Mothers Day Tribute

You are the world’s best mum, your cooking is amazing. You help me when I am hurt, you care for me when I am sick, you drive me places and you are awesome.

Mothers Day Tribute

Mum, I think of you as a teacher, a lover and most of all a friend. When I talk to you, you listen. You are brilliant, marvelous, extreme, loving, and humorous; I am the happiest child in the world because of you. Happy Mother’s Day mum.

Mothers Day Tribute


Dear mum. You help me when I’m hurt. You help me when I’m stuck. You are so kind it’s like you control my mind. I love you because you think about me all the time, Buy me stuff and cook me dinner every day. When I touch your hands they feel really soft I love you and I always will.

Mothers Day Tribute

Hi mum thanks for being there when I needed you most. So this mother’s day I’m going to say a few things about you. First you surprise me every day. Second you are as beautiful as a flower blooming. Third you are so supportive to me. So mum I love you.

Love Ethan

Mothers Day Tribute

Dear mum

You cook the best food in the food in the house. When you come home everyone is so happy to see you. You help me when I am sick or sad and you always help me with my homework. You are as pretty as a flower and you are gentle as a mouse. You make really funny jokes and I love you with all my heart.

Mothers Day Tribute

Dear Mum your hugs are like falling into a pile of pillows you are as pretty a blossom I like the fact that whenever I need help you are always there. Mum you do everything for me, you spoil me! Mum you are the Mum that any child could dream of.

From Dominic.

Mothers Day Tribute

Dear mum,

I love you so much that telling you doesn’t even begin to cover it so I decided to write you this letter for mother’s day.

I will start of by telling you how amazing your face is. I mean really a bundle of roses couldn’t even dream of being as pretty as you.

You also smell so nice that I don’t know why you bother to buy perfume you really don’t need it to smell good.

Mothers Day Tribute


Mum, you make my smile when I’m sad.

You help me when I am mad.

You’re kind and caring every day.

You’re as pretty as a butterfly day after day.

You help me when I am stuck, you help me when I am confused.

You cook dinner every night.

I love you mum.

Mothers Day Tribute

Mum, you are the best mum ever. You always make me feel loved and special. You can always help me when I have a problem. You can always tell when I’m sad and make me happy again. You are the most magnificent, marvellous, wonderful, fabulous, lovely, amazing mum. I love you.

Mothers Day Tribute

Dear Mum

I love the way you care for me when I’m sad.

I think of you as pretty as a Blossom.

Your hugs are always warm like the sun.

I love the way you always kiss me when I go to bed.

I love you mum

Mothers Day Tribute

Mum you always give me big warm hugs and when things are difficult you help me get through it.You are the best mum I could have asked for I love you with all my heart. Thank you for giving me my basic needs and loving and caring for me I love you, you’re amazing.

Mum you are always giving me warm hugs


The best mum I could have ever asked for

Helpful always

Excellent at looking after everyone

Really kind and loving

Mothers Day Tribute

Dear Mum,

You are the best mum I could ever ask for. You do so much for me and you always kind. When I am sick or sad you always get me what I need and you always make me feel better. Thank you for all you’re to the family, like cleaning the house, making yummy dinners, helping with my homework and all the other things you do for us. We really appreciate it. Happy Mother’s Day I love you SO much. Love from Abbie.

Mum you are always loving and caring

Our family loves you so much

The best mum EVER

Helpful all the time especially when I am hurt sick or stuck on homework

Excellent at everything you do for us

Really good at cooking and baking really yum food for us

Mothers Day Tribute

My Dearest Mother

Mum you try to spend all the time you have with me, and never let me down.

You always make me smile, matter how big the problem .Your beauty is be yond compare. I think of you every day.

The thought of you passes my head every day.

Your eyes are like the sea after a storm. You are loved by everything and you deserved to be.xoxoxo

Mothers Day Tribute

Dear Mum,

Mum, you are the best mother in the world.

Mum, you look like a blossom in a meadow.

Mum, you give the best hugs in the world.

Mum, it’s once in a blue moon that I ever not like you.

From Theo.

Mothers Day Tribute

To Mum, thank you for all your hard work, preparation, love and kindness put in to our daily lives to make it wonderful. So thanks mum.

Lots of love, from Hannah-Mae

Friday 25 April 2014

The Hot House Challenge

This blog was by Ela.T and Hannah-Mae

The hot house challenge is the chance of a life time and if you didn’t come you missed out on the epic, adventurous and fun time. The hot house challenge is a time and a chance to make your house win and your house captains proud. If you don’t know what the hot house challenge is then it is a big race/challenge to win house points. It is also about having a great time and experience with other students, siblings and even parents. Imagine the big slide and all the obstacles that it was hard to make it through them all, that’s why it’s called a challenge.   Make sure YOU come next year!

Thursday 24 April 2014

Wizards - Shark Poster

In room 6 the wizards (a reading group) made posters with information on sharks, by writing up facts we found from a range of sources.  We read articles, we searched the library and we also used the internet.  We read and transferred this knowledge into our own ideas and typed out the facts and things we found important.  We printed them out and stuck them onto our posters or sharks we drew and painted. Some of us also made fish to put on and decorate. Here is a picture some of posters about sharks.  Come and check them out in room 6. 

Wednesday 23 April 2014

Ash wednesday Mass

Todays post was written by Abbie
On Wednesday the 5th March Good Shepherd School had a whole school Ash Wednesday Mass to celebrate Ash Wednesday.

At the Mass our priest was Father Linus and he hosted the mass. On this occasion all our families and friends were invited to come and celebrate with us for this special day.

At the mass the priest and some other special people put the ashes on our forehead in the shape of the cross to represent the period of lent for when Jesus was in the desert for 40 days while fasting.

This mass also welcomed all the new students and staff to the school and presented them with a special candle.    

Dragons group - The disappearing Tiger

Post by Kimberly, Greer and assisted by Kathryn.

The Dragons are one of Room 6's reading groups. Our reading group have been learning how to make a disappearing Tiger. First you get an A4 piece of paper, then you cut the paper so it's square and with the leftover paper you use it to draw eight lines and in between the lines you skip one line each time and you draw a tiger in between the skipped lines. After that you get a craft knife to cut the lines on the card board and finally you weave your picture in between the open lines and you will have a disappearing Tiger.  Can you see how our tigers disappeared. 

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Room 6's Funky Seahorses

Posted by Ela T, Hannah-Mae on behalf of the Cherubs Reading Group

The Cherubs are one of Room Six's reading groups.  We have been busy researching facts and creating interesting ways to display information.  We decided to make mobiles with seahorses. We collected information through reading books and searching information about seahorses, we wrote a P.M.I (Positive, Minus and Interesting Chart) in our exercise books and we coloured and decorated seahorse templates. We then typed and printed out their key facts in our own words and stuck them on the back of the seahorses. The cherubs got cardboard tubes, wrapped them up in red and blue tissue paper. Finally they tied and glued string to the covered tubes and hung them up on display in room 6.

Monday 21 April 2014

Bat Detectives

Over the week our reading group “Angels” have been learning about bats and their natural habitats. We’ve made posters with evidence to show how much we have learnt about bats but, sadly there aren’t many around anymore.  One of the main causes for this is when people moved to New Zealand from other countries they brought pests with them.  The pests are one of the biggest threats to bats.  New Zealand has two types of bats, long-tailed bats and short-tailed bats. We watched also watched a documentary about Bats that we wrote facts from too. The scientist in the documentary created experiment where they could record how bats fly, so for example they create a wind tunnel and recorded in slow motion their flying patterns this helped people to look at how planes and flying things were made.  We learnt lots of new information, it was easy and challenging, and loads of FUN!