Tuesday 12 May 2015

Creative Writing - The Seven Chairs

The Seven Chairs
By Corum DeLacey

Have you ever had a day where you just knew something bad was going to happen?  That day where it was uncomfortable for everyone involved.  Everyone was fine but there was that awkward tension that filled the room, as it swallowed us all up.  My sister Zia and I (Carter) had just awoken from our sleep, stumbling our way over to the kitchen to get breakfast that had probably been sitting out since mum had left for work at the crack of dawn.  Everything was so bland, the cold and thick porridge stuck to the sides of the bowl,  the cold milky milo with a lack of actual milo. Nothing had any flavour, everything around me was just plain old grey. I turned around accepting the fact that my mother had already left for work, when “THUD!”  I had fell to the floor, I stood up confused and looked back where I had fallen to see the dining table chairs had disappeared!

Zia told me that we had to go save the chairs!, “Waaiiitt WHAT?!” I replied.
“We have to go to school!”  Zia rushed out to the door like she didn’t hear me. What was I meant to do? Just wait for her to come back? I ran after her to find that she was all the way down the street. When I caught up she told me that she knew a place, no questions asked. We got to the end of the road and before I could register that we were at the dead end of the street a portal appeared straight out of thin air! Zia held my arm tightly and leaped in with none of my consent.

I woke up and scanned the area, something told me this wasn’t Australia anymore. The city lights beamed into my eyes and I could see the Eiffel tower in the distance. “Paris” Zia told me, “Thanks for pointing out the obvious” I still had SO many questions to ask but I just played along. I dusted the sand and dust off of me and we rushed over to the chair department thinking our chairs might have teleported there. Zia and I crossed the busy roads and got to the world’s most famous chair department store.

Before we could enter, a body-guard shoved us out of the way, “Hey!” I told the man that we had to check if our chairs magically warped here “Sorry, kid we’re closed down for good” Zia was very anxious and annoyed by then, “But, you’re the most famous chair department store in the whole world! Just let us in for a few minutes we promise we won’t take long!” The body-guard nervously stepped out of the way, if you insist… “We insist!” I told him.

We entered but collapsed shortly after… mwahahaha! I looked up and saw we were in a church, just a normal church until up out of the ground floated a rather large woman sitting on a rather large chair when she had hit the roof she stopped and did a deathly stare at us! I turned around and saw our mum sitting on one of our dining table chairs weeping behind a glass wall. “ What are you doing here mum? Zia screamed,
“I fell asleep in the car and I woke up over here!” The man floated up into the ceiling and started laughing miraculously like a miracle just happened. We heard a creak and soon after the room started to rumble and shake, we realised that the walls were heating up and the roof was closing in on us! It was a matter of time before the roof would crush us! Imagine that on your gravestone…

RIP Carter
2001 - 2015
Was crushed by a roof

There wasn’t enough time to muck around, I looked desperately for a exit just then Zia smashed the glass wall mum was behind. “Hurry up Carter! Lets go!” She held my arm and ran after mum. Mum was standing up with her arms spread right out and wiping away her tears… This was definitely not what my mum would be doing in situation like this, knowing her like I do she would have been sitting down on there chair trying to recall what had just happened, after all she is a very forgetful lady. I reached over to grasp her hand, but I couldn’t, I tried over and over again until I gave up. What was happening? Was she a fake? I figured that there was no time for her anymore, it was sad but true the roof was only a mere step away from us. Zia fell to her knees and crawled over to find an air vent, it was a way out! I felt so strong the adrenaline in me was insane, I ripped the air vent right out of its socket and crawled through with Zia to forget that all the walls were still sparking with electricity Zia accidently bumped her left arm into a wall, she started wailing like a little baby. “Shut up!” I screamed through my burning throat, it was infuriating that we had come all this way for nothing. There was no time for crying we had to make it out. Eventually we found another air vent with the rest of power I had in my body, I tugged at it until it came loose and fell out. Minutes later (which felt like hours) we were back in the cold atmosphere of France, “Oh great another portal” I told Zia, off we went into the next portal of the day.

I opened my eyes and saw mum was awake whilst my sister was still whining like a baby. The sandy plains and cold, damp breeze told us that we weren’t in France anymore. It turned out that mum had made it back by herself, just in time! My mother carried Zia in her arms and called for a taxi. We all got in the taxi and my mum told the man to drive us over to the nearest hospital. “I mean come on! It wasn’t that bad!” I thought to myself as the man took us to the hospital

We had made it to the hospital and all was not well… It would cost a fortune to fly back home, at least for us. When we got home you would think we would be living a normal life in a normal house like before but nooo, everything had changed after that day we never felt normal again...


Carter ended up devoting his life to designing chairs, he become famous and got a nobel prize award for his bravery in the incident that happened a few years back. As for Carter’s mum she married a rich and humble man and lived a peaceful, long life. Last but not least Zia became Cater’s honored secretary.

             The End…
Or is it?

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