Pumpkin Pie
By Jessica Lord
I am learning to entertain my audience.
Once there was a old woman named Pameala, she lived in a small cottage all by herself, in a small town. She worked for Nespresso, which was lucky for her cause she loved drinking coffee. 
One night Pameala was making her famous pumpkin pie. As she edged the knife closer and closer to the pumpkin she realised something. The pumpkin was getting brighter and brighter. As her knife sliced down against the skin of the pumpkin to cut it in half she suddenly saw a tiny caterpillar crawling up the knife and onto her hand. Attached to the little caterpillar was a message, ‘Keep me in a little box for a few weeks and then I will let you grant three wishes.’ Then in the tiniest of fine print, the terms and conditions… ‘I will try to make them come true’. Pameala did as the note said. Collecting a little box for the little caterpillar and got some supplies to make the box nice and comfy. Placing the newly named caterpillar, Josh into the box she slid the lid shut.
Completing the task of housing the caterpillar she made herself a coffee, sipping on her fresh brew as she watched over the box from the other side in her comfy armchair. Watching the little from afar when there was a sudden, “BAM!” as the box suddenly lit up. Jogging over to see what the commotion was, there was nothing, nothing had changed so she strolled back over to her chair to finish her coffee. Once she had finished she went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and casually went off to bed.
As the sun came up, the birds chirped, Pameala hopped out of bed and went to check on the little caterpillar Josh. Sliding open the lid she saw that Josh wasn't there. She looked high and low, she searched in and out but, still there was no sign of him anywhere. Continuing to the fridge to start her breakfast, opening the door she noticed Josh sitting on a bright green pieces of lettuce. Taking him in her hand she returned him to his little box, with the piece of lettuce of course. She went back to the kitchen,preparing her breakfast and coffee (takeaway) as she hurried out the door, jumped into the car and drove to work.
When she got home from work she hung up her coat, put her umbrella down and went to make a coffee as she usually did but this time she stopped to check on little Josh. As she opened the lid she saw that there was a little piece of paper saying, ‘It was lovely staying here but I really do need to go. You can make your wishes now. Hold me in your hand and whisper your wish to me.’ She said her first wish, “I wish I could fly”. Then her second, “I wish I had some more money”. Her final wish ,“I wish… I wish… I wish,” but she couldn’t think of anything. A moment later looking down to the caterpillar, he had vanished, gone, disappeared.
Pameala rubbed her eyes, and looked down again, but the caterpillar had really disappeared. As she slowly got up to make herself another coffee, she wondered to herself. Was this a dream? Surely this was some dream, but as she checked her bank account remembering that first wish and felt herself starting to float into the air, she realised that it really was true, and she wasn’t dreaming.
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