Wednesday 16 September 2015

Creative Writing - The Strange Day in July

The Strange Day in July.
By Caitlin Gregan
I.A..L.T  write to entertain my audience.
The rain poured down, as Lily and I played chess in our mansion at the top of the hill. A little while later the sun came out, so we chose to go down to the beach for some fresh air. The path was muddy and the trees waved as we past by, As we got closer to the beach I shiver went down my spine I felt like we were being watched by something or someone. I looked around but there was no one there. A few minutes later I felt the feeling that someone was spying on us again, but as I looked around, I saw nothing. My sister ran ahead, but I rushed after her, as I was getting close to the beach I heard a distant scream I sprinted  through the bush “Lily!” I called out but there was no reply.

When I got to the beach it was deserted Lily was nowhere to be seen. When I turned around I saw her there in the bush coming out laughing “don’t do that” I said. She was still laughing when we got to the spot that had the best stones to skim. I picked up a stone that had been lying at my feet it was perfect except for a skull that was engraved in. I pulled back my arm as my sister watch from a to it far as I throw with all my might, it skimmed so it disappeared into the mist  then we heard the most strangest thing… the sound of a skimming stone and it was getting louder and louder  as if it was coming  our way. then it rested at our feet trembling I picked it up my sister screamed nothing had prepared us for what happened next.

On the stone there was the skull that clearly  identified it as ours but the true horror came when I turned it over. There on the smooth flat stone, deeply engraved was one but terrifying word that should have taken hours to carve and not seconds.

The stone dropped from my suddenly frozen fingers we ran through the sharp thorns our clothes ripping. As we ran into the safety of our house bolting the lock behind us. we ran to mom who was doing the washing in the laundry “Mom there’s a ...there’s a” I stumberd
“There’s a what ?”  Mom asked
“There is a person trying to kill us” I shouted. At that moment our brother walked past laughing his hands full with stones each one had a different message. Then we spotted the skull like crack on a smooth flat stone that had the words Kill on it.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Information Report - The Black Mamba

The Black Mamba
BY Abraham Tonga

I am learning to inform my audience through an information report .

What is black, fast, cold blooded, lethally venomous and is highly aggressive? Thats right the Black Mamba, the Black Mamba is located in the Savannas, and the rocky hills of  Southern and Eastern Africa it is considered as one the world's most venomous snake.

The Black Mamba’s life span is usually eleven years or more and it can grow up to 4.3 metres. It weighs up to 1.6 kgs. It gets its name not from its skin colour, which tends to be olive to gray, but rather to be the blue-black insides of its mouth displayed when it is threatened.

The Black Mamba use their incredible speed to escape from their prey, not to hunt their prey. Black Mambas are shy and will almost always seek to escape when confronted. If cornered they will raise up their heads and sometimes a third of their body off the ground, spread their cobra like neck flap, open their The black mouths and hiss. If an attacker persists they will not strike once but strike repeatedly injecting huge amounts of potent neuro and cardiotoxin with each strike.

The Black Mambas are known as eating small carnivores  such like chickens, rats, bushbabies and more other small carnivores. Black Mambas bite their prey, injecting venom then releasing it. They then follow it until it dies or it is paralyzed. At this point they eat their prey. It does not take that long for the enemy to die or get paralyzed  after getting bitten by a Mamba.

So the next time you see a 4.3 metre venomous black mouthed, snake you know for sure not to go near it or touch it. Be careful because you never know if it will bite back at you. So make sure to give it some space!

Monday 7 September 2015

Information Report - Teacup Pigs

Teacup Pigs
Vidani Rathod
Monday 7 september 2015
I am learning to inform my audience within an information report.

Imagine having a cup of tea then all of a sudden realising there was a little baby pig inside! When Teacup Pigs are born they are so tiny that they can fit into a teacup! Did you know that pigs are also the 3rd smartest animal in the world. These pigs come in many different colours like tan, pink or black. Teacup Pigs also live a decently long life of 5-20 years. Even though Teacup Pigs are tiny at birth  they don’t stay this size for long.

Teacup Pigs are born the size of a teacup, this is how they get their name. They grow up to 29 kilograms and 40 centimeters in height, when they reach adulthood, this takes 2-3 years. A pig association claims that  Teacup Pigs grow up to 43 kilograms not 29. 43 kilos may seem big but compared to Farm Pigs this is tiny. Farm pigs grow up to 362-544 kilograms!  Do Mini Pigs really seem that big now?  Thimble Pig is another name they are known by. Further names for these pigs include Miniature Pigs, Mini Pigs, and Micro Pigs. Miniature pigs  love to have people around them and they work best with a companion.

Lifestyle & Identification
Teacup pigs need lots of attention because they live as pets in a cage like a hamster, they live a life like pets so they are a custom to being toilet trained. In this life span they either live on a  farm or as a pet. When Teacup Pigs are born they are normally around 255 grams. There are lots of sounds Teacup Pigs use to talk such as squealing, hoinking, barking and grunting. Pigs make sounds for a reason. They grunt most of the time as a response to noises that are familiar to them or when exited about food. However the length of the grunt does indicate what the pig is trying to say. If it is a short grunt it means that the pigs is excited, long grunts mean that the pig is communicating with another pig or human or they could just be expressing happiness. Miniature Pigs enjoy a nice roll in the mud outside to keep them cool. Also once in awhile they enjoy a bath  to keep them nice and clean. Pigs make other noises to communicate like squealing.This means that the pig is scared, annoyed or hurt.

Teacup pigs have rough hair called bristles instead of fur. These bristles grow longer in the winter than in the hot summer. All miniature pigs are different because they are bred from different pigs such as potbellied, kune kune, tamworth and the Gloucester Old Spot. Since they are breed from
so many different  pigs they come in a variety of colours such as tan pink, black, white, silver, red, rust and  some of them have spots in black, red or white. Teacup pigs have tails however they are not curled they are straight. They also develop tusks and they have pushed in snouts. Thimble Pigs are very small and cute and they are just the right size to have as a pet although they grow big, fat and mucQQh uglier compared to when they are small, cute tiny.

There are lots of types of pigs but none are quite like the Teacup Pigs. These pigs  come in a variety of different colours and they have a lifestyle of a pet. Thimble Pigs also have many names like Miniature Pigs, Micro Pigs and Teacup Pigs. Micro Pigs are also unique because they have pushed in snouts and straight tails instead of curled. These tiny little Pigs are remarkable. Would you want to have one as a pet?  

Information Report - Little Penguin

Little Penguin
By: Daniel Kim
I am learning to inform my audience through an information report

Just imagine that you are at the beach at night. It is dark, everything is quiet, you can hear the waves overlapping the sand. Suddenly, you see something small, yes you’re right it is the Little penguin. Did you know the scientific name for Little penguin is Eudyptula. Eudyptula is Greek and it means good little diver. You might be thinking that the Little penguin is the same as the other penguins just small and blue. So You might be right and you might be wrong.

Little penguins are found in the southern coast of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. All of the Little penguins are here because they can not stay or live in cold places. During day time they spend their time hunting for food and at night they return to their burrow or rock crevice. When they get back home they feed their family and also cuddle up if they are cold.

This is what some animals do as well. Little penguins eat fishes, squids, and crustaceans. They mainly make shallow dives up to 9m(30ft) to catch prey but sometimes they will dive down to the ground to get more fish. They also get food for their family so their family won’t be hungry and live well.    

Breeding is the part when they lay eggs. First when the egg comes out the mum and  dad take turns on keeping the egg warm so it doesn't get cold.. After about five weeks later the egg will hatch. Little penguins do this around August or September.

Overall in Conclusion Little penguins are small and fearless little creatures, so they should be free like us and have a long life..They also should be able to have a long life and should not be killed or extinct.

Friday 4 September 2015

Information Report - Bald Eagle

Bald Eagle
by: Lachlan Gavin

I am learning to write an information report  

Imagine you’re a fish swimming happily and suddenly, you're flying in mid air, then everything goes black. You have just become a bald eagle’s dinner. The bald eagle can be found in North America, which allows it to feed on many fresh fish from the rivers and lakes across the region. The Bald Eagle is a national symbol of America. This giant bird once was endangered in 1967, but luckily nowadays has recovered and can still be seen flying across the skies of America.  So what can you expect to see if a Bald Eagle was flying above you?  

The name bald eagle would suggest that they are bald, however they are not.  The female bald eagle is larger than the male. The female is 89-93 centimeters and has a wingspan 2-2.28 meters and the male is 76-86 centimeters and a wingspan of 1.82-2.15. It has long talons so it doesn’t touch the water and grab a fish. The bald eagle can glide up to a amazing speed of 160km so it’s faster than a car on the motorway. It weighs up to three to seven kg, like a pumpkin. Bald eagles have a hooked beak so their food doesn't fall out .

The bald eagle is found in north america mostly in Baja, California, Florida and Alaska. They can fly up to 56-70 kilometers per hour.It is found near water so that is why it likes to eat fish. They live in tall trees.

A bald eagle eats fish and other food that is easy to obtain so like small birds and big fish. It can lift 5kgs so it can lift a baby deer that will feed the family for a while. It eats so much fish it has a good source of omega 3. Bald eagles are carnivores so they fight for there food against animals like pelicans.    

The bald eagle is a carnivore it eats easy to obtain prey. They have a white head and brown body. So next time you're flying in north America and you see a big bird you could be looking at a bald eagle.    

Thursday 3 September 2015

Information Report - The Marbled Cone Snail

The Marbled Cone Snail
By Corum DeLacey

I am to learning to inform my audience through an information report

I want you to imagine that you are walking down the tropical beaches of Australia with your fiancee, and you pass the most beautiful snail you have seen in all your years of being alive. You reach in for a stroke at that marvellous golden shell when BAM! You are stunned! You start to realise that could have been the bane of your life. There you are paralysed on the soft, sandy beach floor you cannot breath or see properly and you don’t remember anything. What was that? It was the Marbled Cone Snail…

So where does this snail roam?  Well, the Marbled Cone snail enjoys the warm waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans as well as the Mediterranean seas, usually near or on coral reefs. These snails are actually fairly common in Australia, Vietnam and the Philippines, however there have been a few sightings in Fiji and Samoa, one even in New Zealand! Do not worry though, chances are you will never see one of these snails at the beach. Wait, so how does a snail kill a fully grown human?

If you are wondering how on earth do snails annihilate people, I will explain. If you are somehow seduced into touching or picking one up, it will release a harpoon-like tooth into your body, tough enough to pierce through a wetsuit! Then inject a large amount of lethal venom enough to kill 20 adult humans! After that you are bound to faint and wake up shortly  after, suffering immense pain, swelling, numbness, weakness, tingling and memory loss and in severe cases you will experience muscle paralysis, damaged eyesight as well as not being able to speak or hear anything. These snails do not have a sleep timetable so they can hunt at night or day, preferably night because that is when most fish are asleep This leads to their dietary requirements.

Luckily these snails are not aggressive towards humans, so if you stay away from them you will be fine. The marbled cone snail enjoys feasting on worms and fish, not surprisingly this breed of snail can devour things as big as small snakes, over time that is! Sadly this snail has caused extinction to the Aldabra Atoll which is a passive snail. Yes, the Marbled cone snail actually eats other snails! When the snail eats its prey it has to be extra cautious not to accidentally eat the venom it injected into the animal or else it will also become paralysed! Now you might be thinking how do we identify one?

The Marbled Cone snail is quite large and can vary between 30mm and 300mm, the size of a school ruler! You can easily notice a large cone on top of its back which can be pink, gold, black, brown, white or orange and usually have patterns or spots. Last but not least, Emergency Treatment.

Emergency Treatment
Well, the thing is, there actually is no anti-venom… So good luck, if you end up getting stung by one of these very dangerous snails. However there are a few things that may lower the chances of dieing, make sure you wrap a cloth or gauze bandage and apply pressure will prevent the venom from spreading, in the event of breathing problems perform mouth to mouth, and of course call the ambulance

Now you know that the ferocious Marbled Cone Snail can kill you with ease! Luckily I have identified that they have quite a large shell, live mainly around the coasts of the Indian, and Pacific seas, how they tear apart their prey, their unusual dietary requirements and even ways to help if you are ever harpooned by one! Make sure you stay well away from these menacing creatures!

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Information Report - Kiwis

By Isaac Tooman

What eats grubs and seeds, sleeps during day and and cannot fly?  That might sound like you're little brother but it is also a description of a kiwi. Thats right, a Kiwi. A Kiwi is a bird native to New Zealand.  Kiwis are flightless although they have small wings and are nocturnal which means they sleep during the day. Kiwis are endangered.

Kiwis are found all over New Zealand. There are five different types of kiwis. There is the Brown kiwi, Little Spotted kiwi, Great Spotted kiwi, Rowi and Tokoeka. The Brown kiwi is found in the North Island and Little Barrier Island. The Little Spotted Kiwi lives on Hen Island, Kapiti Island, Red Mercury Island and Tiritiri Matangi Island and many more islands.The Great Spotted kiwi is the tallest Kiwi, about 45 centimetres tall. The Rowi kiwi lives in Okarito. The Tokoeka kiwi lives on Stewart Island.

Today, they are found in three discrete natural populations – northwest Nelson, the Paparoa Range, and near Arthur’s Pass.

What kiwis eat.
As kiwis have a high sense of smell they can smell food under the ground. Kiwis  eat a lot of things including seeds, grubs, worms, fruit, small Crayfish, Eels and Amphibians. They come out of their burrows after nightfall to forage for insects, grubs, earthworms, fallen fruit and native plants. Kiwis use their beak as a lever to lift up dirt to find food.

Special things about kiwis
Did you know that kiwis are color blind? This information comes from some new research revealing how the endangered bird evolved its sense of smell and color 35 million years ago to help it with its nocturnal life sniffing around the undergrowth at night. Kiwis feathers are more like fur. The kiwi is the only bird in the world with  nostrils at the end of its beak. A kiwi has no tail feathers but does have whiskers like a cat.

In conclusion there are many types of kiwis.  The Brown kiwi,  Little spotted kiwi, Great spotted kiwi, Rowi and Tokoeka. Kiwis are color blind and also our native animal. Next time you see a kiwi remember that it is endangered bird and we should look after them.


Tuesday 1 September 2015

Information Report - The E-Type Jaguar

The E-Type Jaguar
By Arnie Vogels

I am learning to inform my audience through an information report.

The Aston Martin DB5, AC Cobra, the Corvette, what do all of these cars have in common, they’re all classic and famous cars that were born in the 50’s and 60’s, although these are all beautiful and classic cars the King of them all has to be the E- Type Jaguar, in a sleek and aerodynamic body the E- Type caught the eyes of many super stars, and since Jaguar claimed it could reach 255 kph It became a racer, and came close to a podium finish at Le Mans in 1962 ( a very famous 24 hour race!).

Specs & Mechanical
Geneva motor show 1961 introduced many famous cars into the world including the E-Type Jag, which proved to be the most popular car at the show that year. The E- Type was designed by Malcolm Sayer, and since he was an ex aircraft engineer he applied his knowledge to the E Type and created one of the most aerodynamic and best selling car in the 60s. The E- Type had a 2.4 litre XK engine which had more than enough power to power the 1234 kg body and chassis.

Popularity & Life
With an estimate of around 51 thousand cars sold, it was an extremely successful car and some of which were sold to celebrities including, Steve McQueen and Tony Curtis. The
E- Type became the car of dreams and a must have for the well known and wealthy the only problem was the price. The E-Type was a car for anyone that had $2500 ( 1962 Us Dollars) to spend and because of this if you were likely to find an E- Type or two on the way to work. But now a days E Types can sell for 100 grand or even more, in january 2015 one of the twelve racing lightweight e types were sold for a massive 5 million  pounds (around 10 million New Zealand Dollar). This car was put in production from 1961-1975 and in those 14 years it proved that sports cars didn’t have to be expensive and that even the  cheapest cars can stand out in a crowd.

The first ever E- type was a convertible painted in british racing green with a grey cover, they later came in many colours ranging from navy to snow white, with a sleek and aerodynamic body the E- Type looked great from any angle, any colour and any situation. The e type mark 3 still has beauty but it lacked elegance because of its grill and the larger fenders. The E-Type had many celebrity fans but the most well known was probably Enzo Ferrari who was the founder of Ferrari and a competitor against Jaguar at the time, the main thing that shocked the world was the comment he said about the E- Type stating that it was “The most beautiful car ever made”

The E- Type Jag was produced over 14 years  and in those 14 years years it proved that a sports car doesn’t have to be expensive while being luxurious and sporty. The E-Type was proved successful thanks to 3 main things, the specs of the car, the comfort and its beauty. The E-Type became a racer but had little success it came close to a podium finish at Le Mans and won some smaller. The E- Type was a car that changed budget sports cars and convertibles, with a beautiful body and powerful engine the car stood out in any crowd, and still does today.

Information Report - Our Endangered World

Our Endangered World
   Mia Booy
I am learning to inform my audience through an information report.
Our world is endangered, animals are dying one by one, our land space for rubbish is decreasing, the hole in the ozone layer is a major problem and if we don’t do anything the race of man could be wiped off the face of earth!  Have you ever heard of the three R’s? If not they are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, if everyone followed the three Rs the world would be a better place.

You too can start by Recycling your used cans and  bottles, writing or colored paper, cardboard/boxes, old cereal packets, empty doll boxes, old toilet rolls, empty paper bags, and used milk cartons.
You could also Reduce the amount of rubbish you throw into your rubbish bin. Recycling will help reduce your rubbish by throwing away paper, cans, bottles that you normally throw into your rubbish bin, but this time throw into your recycling bin. Also buy products with less packaging so that there is less to throw out, if the thing you want to get has lots of packing ask a friend if she has the item and if you can borrow it.

Reuse your plastic shopping bags don’t keep using more if you use your own shopping bags over and over again you are saving trees. Coffee cups, plastic cups, cardboard and containers are very useful for storage, or if you have enough storage make something creative. Got some old clothes, toys and furniture don’t throw it away have a yard sale or distribute your stuff to the salvation army shop or distribute your clothes to a near clothes bin, also store leftover food in reusable containers until they are consumed. If you start doing this global warming will be reduced and endangered animals will be saved.

Also try carpooling with your friend, using one car helps save air pollution, or start a compost bin and reduce the amount of food that gets sent to the landfill every day. Have you heard of the cafe that only throws away 1 garbage bag a week? They do this by having a compost bin and using cups that can decompose and composting all leftover foods, if a cafe can do it so can you.

Another idea is... use a computer instead of wasting paper only use paper if your writing has to be on paper or if you can’t take your computer to the place you need to go. Paper is made from trees and they’re not the trees you find lying around after a storm, they are trees that people chop down and waste. If you plant other trees it takes ages to grow and by that time all the animals that spread themselves across that forest would be dead! If you are a Big Newspaper fan and don’t want to destroy trees, you can search the newspaper on your computer to save paper it might even give you a video.

Also save electricity by turning off lights you aren’t using. To make electricity you have to burn coal when you do that you release lots of  fumes, the fumes go out into the air a make more pollution.

There are so many critically endangered animals in the world more than 18 and more than 50 endangered animals in the world too. We need to help them live, putting animals in captivity can help but we need to make sure they do all the things they would do in the wild and making sure there enclosures are big enough. If they are solitary animals we need to make sure that they are comfortable with people coming to look at them, we don’t want these animals to face extinction otherwise if these animals become extinct we could become extinct too, because most animals are important in our lives.

The Honey bee for example has a good role in our life and here's why, Honey bees are important because they pollinate flowers which cows and other animals eat, then the animals reproduce(have babies) and then we kill them for their meat then their calves grow up and the same thing happens. But imagine a life with no bees no cows no flowers we would all eventually die, bees are right now endangered lets bring them back to life.

We need to stop deforestation and taking of animal skins, tusks and horns. We also need to stop irritating animals so that they stop killing themselves trying to defend their lives. Help people make the right choice and make sure these animals are here in our future.

Have you heard of the hole in the ozone layer, it’s made of a thin layer of gas and it’s  right above Antarctica making all the ice melt, well have you if not the ozone layer is covering the whole earth protecting us from the scorching suns UV rays. There are three different types of UV rays, the UVA ray, the A stands for aging this type of ray penetrates deep into our skin and is responsible for aging of the skin and skin cancer. The UVB ray, the B stands for burning it is stronger than UVA rays and targets the outer skin layer causing sunburns and skin aging and also skin cancer, however these rays are stronger during summer time especially between 1.00am-4.00pm.
Last but not least the UVC, this ray is the most strongest and dangerous of the sun's UV rays, thankfully it does not reach the earth's surface due to our atmosphere.

So two of the sun's rays can penetrate the ozone layer but what does the ozone layer actually do? It makes sure the sun's rays are not too hot for our body, but there is one problem there is a hole in the ozone layer it is a big problem to polar bears who are becoming extinct. The hole is created by chemicals that we release into the air like car fumes and smoke from burning coal to make electricity and other stuff. We must stop releasing fumes like these and protect the world because what would happen if the hole in the ozone layer grew bigger and then the hole might become so big the whole ozone layer might disappeared? We would die because the sun's rays would be so strong and too hot so lets not make that happen.

Our world is Endangered we need to stop cutting down trees using cars and burning coal and poaching, but we need to start reusing, reducing and recycling stuff and composting our leftovers. So lets start now save the endangered animals of the world and the ozone layer, and make the world a better place.