Friday, 29 May 2015
Samoan Language Week
Creative Writing - Missing on a Deserted Island
Missing on a Deserted Island
I am learning to entertain my audience.
29 May 2015
by Cameron Pereira
One mysterious day a ship called Venice sank. No one knows what happened, no one wants to know. but there was a survivor me. I managed to survive by grabbing a piece of floating driftwood, and finally after two days of floating up and down enormous waves, l landed on a deserted island.
After not eating for two days I was starving, all I found was a coconut on a tree, I tried and tried to climb the tree, but all that happened was that I got scratched. In the end I manage to knock it down with a large rock. After that I cracked the coconut with the same rock and drank the coconut milk.
Now three days are over and I’ve only eaten a coconut. I finally found some mangos and a fish. After that I made shelter finding some broken pieces of wood and coconut leaves.
The next day I tried calling for help but my phone was out of charge. Now ten days and ten nights are over, then finally a helicopter came I called for help!
HELP! HELP!But they just went passed. I ran out of food on the island so I fished for crabs, on my way I saw another helicopter, but wait a minute isn’t that the same helicopter that came the last time, I called help for the last time help! help!but all they said was they will come back because they are not a rescue helicopter, so two hours past then finally they came once more but the island was sinking! I couldn't do a thing, then I tried to get off the island. The helicopter gave a rope to climb but went I tried to climb the rope the rope snapped after they gave a ladder but now the handles broke off so then all they could do was land but they had nowhere to land so all I could do was nothing and all the helicopter could do nothing.
So I swam then after they finally
the got me so I climbed on and went back home.but I made I back home
Thursday, 28 May 2015
Creative Writing - Missing in Venice
Missing in Venice
by Daniel Nuku
One ordinary day on a cruise ship something extraordinary happened, that day this cruise ship came from New Zealand all the way to Fiji so that’s a long long trip you know!
When the captain went to eat his lunch he accidently hit off the autopilot, the captain didn’t know this. In the middle of his lunch crash! they crashed right into Venice. “Ahh, so where are we now,” exclaimed the captain, “let’s see, where in Venice” said one of his sailors, “VENICE!,” shouted the captain.
“Well, this is going to take a long time to fix this mess” said the captain, “I’m going to ring up the local English engineers, said the captain.” “Let's see, ah so you've got a huge dent in the front, the back has been shattered and the water pipes have cracked and soon there will be no more fresh water for you then we will have to inspect "Stop!,” shouted the captain in fury,” just what is the price.” “is he always that shouty,” whispered the engineer to the sailor.Of, the cost is … I’ll tell you tomorrow, “What!” shouted the captain, “I guess he is always that shouty” said the engineer.
The next morning, “the cost is … one trillion” dollars, “What oh by golly one tr tr trillion d d dollars” said the captain in surprise, “ya man very expensive you know”, exclaimed the engineer. So now they are stuck in Venice for a very long time. “But wait you can have a 30 day risk free, money back guarantee for our instant repair ,” raped the engineer . “I’ll take it,”said the captain. SO in the end they made it to Fiji.
The End
Creative Writing - Random Island
There once was a random land with lots of random people and random doggies,random newspaper notices like it is 5 in the morning and he is still sleeping. “Good morning vietnam this is Robin Williams your week day news presenter”.
Here we go it is that random news hk that was the whole of the news for today. Hmm what should I do today ah ha go to random town in random land.
Ok we are in town now there is a crime seen on the left a random ship from venice has crashed straight a head a random crown helping a flying nun to get down and off her chair and random lady is she randomly angry at her cooking who randomly knows? Ok so I went the wrong way
oh look the police came randomly it has to be corporal bumble boots ‘what you doing today mr X for Xavi Jerryd you spelled my name wrong as,as always I DON’T CARE ABOUT YOUR NAME OR ITS SPELLING sorry let me just let me get in the mood. “ um, okay have a good day. “ phew” Xavier says.Ok just wait until inspector boots goes LET'S MAKE OUR MOVE crash and bang.
Where are the missing people…… 1 news at 6 the missing people in the crash…. One week after the crash they are still missing. We will never know and we never will.Robben William at 6 thank you for watching.
Do you know why we always have random accidents?
Cause we are random land. Mo a haha.
The End .
Creative Writing - One Day in July
One Day In July
Thursday 28th May 2015
I am learning to write to entertain my audience.
That morning the story kept playing out in my head a million times. One year ago before my little sister’s birthday, my mum and I were going to throw a surprise party for her but in the process of planning I said Emma wouldn’t like a surprise birthday party. She is very shy and she would probably faint from all of that excitement and all those people.
I thought that instead Emma and I should go for a walk to the lake deep in the park. Emma enjoyed spending time there. It was a place where she relaxed. That morning of her birthday on the 18th of July,I headed out the door around 10 am, with my sister. Emma was excited because she was rarely allowed to go to the lake, our parents said it was unnatural. Emma didn’t understand what the word meant. After all she was only 4, turning 5 that day.
Emma and I were at the lake, Emma spoke“Charlie I don’t think this is the lake it doesn't look the same at all. Maybe your directions were wrong,” but I knew they weren’t because I had listened carefully to our parents instructions. I read the sign in my head. “What does it say?,” Emma blurted out, I said in a nervous voice that this was indeed the lake. Emma and I continued our journey to the best spot in the lake, A big comfy bench; bad mistake. We should've just turned around and gone to the park.
We ventured deeper into the abnormal place. The lake murmured as we passed, but the bench was not in sight anywhere. I removed my backpack. It was a navy blue colour. Then I unzipped the black zip and the sound was like an engine roaring.”What are you doing?!” exclaimed Emma “This is no time for a snack, I want to find the bench now,” she yelled. “Quiet down”, I replied since we can’t seem to find the bench we shall picnic here. “ Fine, I am pretty hungry anyway,”Emma’s tummy groaned as she spoke. I pulled out a bright yellow mat. Next I pulled out a see through big container full of goodies, such as a mouth watering lemon meringue pie, fairy bread, cupcakes, pastries and a beautiful tart.“ Wow! Who made all this?,” Emma said. “Mum,” I answered “She really loves you, enough to bake you all these goodies I said as I flicked my chocolate brown hair back. Dig in! I declared. We both stuffed ourselves with most of the goodies.
Emma still ate as I scanned bank of the river. It was full of pebbles, smooth like silk. I stood up and walked towards the river. Emma looked up. “Charlie.” she yelled it was as if I was possessed. As the sun glittered on the water, I picked up a round shaped pebble. Emma ran after me, for she was frightened. She shook me hard. It seemed to wake me from my trance. “What,” I said in frustration “Oh my gosh! You scared me to death,” said Emma. I was confused but I didn’t say a word. This was a very strange place.
With the pebble still in my grasp, I tossed it into the lake “My turn.” said Emma. She proceeded to pick up a pebble then she chucked it into the lake, ripples duplicated.”Your turn.” Emma said handing me a nice pebble. I inspected the pebble. I looked at the stone and in my hand then in my head I said what a strange stone as it was heart shaped. None the less I still threw it in perfectly we watched the stone create ripples by now the pebble should have sunk and it would be happily living beneath the water.
“No!”It exclaimed. It refused instead it came skipping back on the water as if it had a mind of it’s own. Plop, Plop, Plop it went and landed right at my feet and despite my thoughts and intuition I bent down cautiously to pick up the stone. Once I did I flipped it over. I practically jumped out of myself. For starters it was the same stone as I had once again identified the heart shape. On top of that there was a frightening message on the other side. Emma recognised that there was a message to.
On the pebble the words GO AWAY spelt out. I dropped my jaw then the pebble. “Quick, Emma!” I exclaimed. I rushed to the mat packed all the baked goods into the container, shoved it into my backpack right after I put the mat in. I stuck my hand out to her hand hoping she would cling to it , instead she stood still like a statue “I want to stay.” she said “Are you mad Emma! Lets go! There’s a cake at home for you, but you won’t get it if you don’t come.” Emma’s eyes lit up “Cake,” she said.
She grabbed my hand and we both dashed home as fast as our little feet could carry us. At last we were out of that horrifying lake. When we reached home we sang happy birthday and Emma cut the cake (with help of course). The next morning I woke up and said “Phew, maybe that was all a dream or nightmare, and today is Emma’s birthday.” I sat up took a deep breath and opened my eyes I glance to my bedside table hoping there would be some water to calm me down but there beside me was the troubling pebble.
So what happened? Was Charlie mad? Was this all a dream that he was about to awake from ? Or did the magical adventure really happen?
You choose the ending.
By Vidani
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
Creative Writing - Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin Pie
By Jessica Lord
I am learning to entertain my audience.
Once there was a old woman named Pameala, she lived in a small cottage all by herself, in a small town. She worked for Nespresso, which was lucky for her cause she loved drinking coffee. 
One night Pameala was making her famous pumpkin pie. As she edged the knife closer and closer to the pumpkin she realised something. The pumpkin was getting brighter and brighter. As her knife sliced down against the skin of the pumpkin to cut it in half she suddenly saw a tiny caterpillar crawling up the knife and onto her hand. Attached to the little caterpillar was a message, ‘Keep me in a little box for a few weeks and then I will let you grant three wishes.’ Then in the tiniest of fine print, the terms and conditions… ‘I will try to make them come true’. Pameala did as the note said. Collecting a little box for the little caterpillar and got some supplies to make the box nice and comfy. Placing the newly named caterpillar, Josh into the box she slid the lid shut.
Completing the task of housing the caterpillar she made herself a coffee, sipping on her fresh brew as she watched over the box from the other side in her comfy armchair. Watching the little from afar when there was a sudden, “BAM!” as the box suddenly lit up. Jogging over to see what the commotion was, there was nothing, nothing had changed so she strolled back over to her chair to finish her coffee. Once she had finished she went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and casually went off to bed.
As the sun came up, the birds chirped, Pameala hopped out of bed and went to check on the little caterpillar Josh. Sliding open the lid she saw that Josh wasn't there. She looked high and low, she searched in and out but, still there was no sign of him anywhere. Continuing to the fridge to start her breakfast, opening the door she noticed Josh sitting on a bright green pieces of lettuce. Taking him in her hand she returned him to his little box, with the piece of lettuce of course. She went back to the kitchen,preparing her breakfast and coffee (takeaway) as she hurried out the door, jumped into the car and drove to work.
When she got home from work she hung up her coat, put her umbrella down and went to make a coffee as she usually did but this time she stopped to check on little Josh. As she opened the lid she saw that there was a little piece of paper saying, ‘It was lovely staying here but I really do need to go. You can make your wishes now. Hold me in your hand and whisper your wish to me.’ She said her first wish, “I wish I could fly”. Then her second, “I wish I had some more money”. Her final wish ,“I wish… I wish… I wish,” but she couldn’t think of anything. A moment later looking down to the caterpillar, he had vanished, gone, disappeared.
Pameala rubbed her eyes, and looked down again, but the caterpillar had really disappeared. As she slowly got up to make herself another coffee, she wondered to herself. Was this a dream? Surely this was some dream, but as she checked her bank account remembering that first wish and felt herself starting to float into the air, she realised that it really was true, and she wasn’t dreaming.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
Creative Writing - Just Pumpkin
Just Pumpkins
By Alice Barry
I am learning to entertain my audience.
It was exactly one year ago, when one of my best friends ended up in hospital, for all of her bones were broken. I still remember it, and when I do recall that fearful night, my heart starts to beat like a drum, increasing in speed, thud, thud, thud. Louder and louder, the sound of my heart echoing through body. My blood forced to race around my veins like a racecar, turning at every bend of my body. The Halloween Pumpkin Curse, they call it. Everyone knows that once a year as halloween eve arrives, someone, somebody, just one person, receives the gift of the curse, all starting with one pumpkin, the haunted pumpkin.
At first, I didn’t believe in that rubbish, no one ever thinks it will be them or someone they know. But when I saw what happened to my friend with my own eyes, “Scarlet”. I felt the sudden shiver down my spine, well I believed it, I believed it now, Oh how I believed it all.
The horrific day all started when Scarlet had called me, she had a bright idea that she wanted to get another pumpkin. I complained as we had already carved our pumpkin, no one carves pumpkins the day of Halloween. “But I need another one, it came to me in a dream. I must get one more pumpkin.” I gave into her pleading and went to meet her on the way to select a pumpkin.The best pumpkins would all be gone, there would be nothing but the rotting ones. However we turned and judged each pumpkin till we found the one that mirrored her idea in her dream. Carrying her pumpkin we said our goodbyes as we parted ways to head to our houses. As I arrived home it was time for me to prepare my costume for the night.
It was about 6.00 o’clock when I called Scarlet to let her know that I was ready for the fun to begin, trick and treat time. But no sooner had she picked up the phone and I called, “Hello.” I heard an ear splitting shriek, “Ahhhhh!” The next noise was the phone dropping hitting the floor “Smash!” Racing to her place as fast as I could. Arriving there, I searched the house, looking for her, it was empty! My heart leaping from my chest, I could barely concentrate from my own heart pulsating through me, feeling as if it could explode. I ran down to the back off the house, and there she was, screaming in terror. Wrapped around her, were big, thick vines coming from… THE PUMPKIN!! Wrapped around her as it squeezed the life from her limp body. I ran into the house looking around to find something to release her. A carving knife I spot on the bench as I gripped it into my hand and raced outside again. Charging at the vines I started to slash and chop at the vines away from her body. Scarlet, Falling from its grips, dropping to the floor, to weak to speak. I quickly dialed 111, and just a few seconds later, I heard a screeching noise turn into the driveway. “Whee ooh, whee ooh!!”
As I watched her and the ambulance disappear into the misty night, I thought to myself, how did this happen? Was the Pumpkin haunted? Was the dream responsible for all this? We will only know one thing for sure. From then on, I have never touched a pumpkin ever again, and I never will.
Monday, 25 May 2015
Creative Writing - Under the Rug
Under the Rug
By Lucy DeYoung
I am learning to entertain my audience.
There was a man, a simple man, a man named Mark.. People would call him simple Mark or normal Mark., He lived a simple life in a simple house, in a simple town. He never did, or would never wear something too cool, too crazy, or too plain. You would think that a man so simple would be weird or creepy. He wasn't, not perfect, not strange… he was just… Simple.
After a simple day, mowing the lawn, doing the chores, all normal things that he did that most normal people would do. However he did lack the absence of a yelling wife nagging or telling him what to do. Because Mark did not have anyone else in his small house. He was alone and got very depressed, but… Mark tried to keep a straight face and continue with his simple life, day in and day out.
After Mark had a long think about his life he was settling down to do what any simple man would do, skim through the paper. While Mark quietly was scanning the paper the ground started to shake, “AHH!” nervously he looked down, something was moving under the rug! Something was alive! Mark quickly sprang to the stairs, and then it disappeared. He thought he must of just been tired and longing for someone or even something to be in his house, so he casually walked off to bed to complete his simple bedtime routine.
Mark had forgotten about the strange object under the rug as he had woken the next day and completed again his normal routine. Again, slowly sitting down to do his reading routine something jump up and pushed his chair over. “Ahhhh,” he screamed as he recalled the previous night, his body shaking as the shock took hold of him. This taunting experience continued repetitively over and over, days, weeks this creature has been mocking him from under the rug. Laughing, like its only purpose was to terrorise him. But the worse part was it became predictable, the visit from rug in a spiteful manner would appear every night on the dot at 8pm.
Again, 8 ’o’clock on the dot, it came back.. but simple Mark came prepared this time mentally, he picked up his chair and threw it at the rug. CRASH, BANG, he was filled with great relief. Until his scream broke, “NOOO!!” the object came back! Mark screamed with rage. It was like it was staring at him and using all his energy. Mark’s neighbors came racing over to see what was wrong. Arriving on his doorstep forcing their way in, they froze in their footsteps as Mark turned to them, with eyes of fire he came rampaging towards them as if he had lost all control.
They ran like frightened rabbits and called the police. Mark was taken to the asylum. Once cleared and paperwork sorted they escorting him to his property the following night. minutes before 8pm to collect a few home comforts, such as Mark’s books. Gasp, he looked uneasily towards the rug and the strange object was gone… had it been all in his head? Was he mad? Was he going crazy!? Well we will never know….
Sunday, 17 May 2015
Creative Writing - The Flaming Sword
The Flaming SWORD
By David Botelho
One boring stormy night there was an island called Flames, it was a good looking island with some waterfalls. And on that island was two people on a quest to find a flaming sword, their names were Bob and Josh. While they were hiking up the mountain they saw two glowing tunnels one the left one on the right,Josh wanted to go left but Bob forced him to go right.
Josh thought they were doomed but they weren't after that Bob spotted a dirty swamp. Bob told Josh to get the raft. It was an amazing looking raft with a rocket ship, alien and flame stickers on it. It was to bad the swamp was dirty.After rowing for a couple of hours they fell asleep and fell out of the raft.
But it turned out the swamp was only 118cm so Bob and Josh just swam to shore on shore they found a secret passage. In the passage they found they saw two choices one a bag with a million dollars the other a flaming sword Bob and Josh didn't know what to do but they took the flaming sword.
After twenty minutes their dad found out he knew where they were it took like ten minutes to get to museum that Bob and
Josh hated so much they wanted to destroy it but their dad was too smart because he was already ready to sneak attack
he jumped down and grounded them until they were 40 years old. They started crying cause they weren't allowed to play video games any more and they lived happily ever after.
Saturday, 16 May 2015
Creative Writing - The Mysterious Rug
The Mysterious Rug
I am learning to entertain my audience
BY Abraham Tonga
Once upon a time there lived a grey headed old man and his name was Mark, he was a grumpy old man that lived in an old fashioned cottage, it was beautiful it was filled with bright colours.
Mark also had a magical rug , he had brought the rug from India. It’s colours are quite dingy but he liked it like that. He used it for nothing but he decided to do something about it. That day Mark lay down the rug in the living room. That night after a few hours he heard some noises, he yelled “hello?, anyone there?”
there was silence for a moment.
there was silence for a moment.
Suddenly there was a sound of movement, the rug moved and it was creeping, his heart was about to shatter as the rug was twitching. He shouted again “Help!’ the creature under the rug got closer and closer to Mark but before the creature touched him he let out a scream, his neighbors ran over to see what had happened they knocked on the door.
His neighbors still knocking on the door aloud, he was power walking to the door “Get away from there!“ he shouted but they did not so he repeated “Get away from there!” he shouted they ran away they were frightened that night he had no rest he had stay up this lasted for four nights.
He was too scared to lift the cover but did it anyways so he slowly lifted the cover but there was nothing there was he just seeing things, was he just dreaming but when he woke up he went to the living room and saw the rug moving it was not a dream or he wasn't seeing was what was he seeing there is questions rushing through my head.
Friday, 15 May 2015
Creative Writing - The Mysterious Pumpkin Carving
The Mysterious Pumpkin Carving
By Leilani
It was the morning before Halloween, Lightning flashed rain poured heavily down while tree branches scraped the windows Bang Crash Crack....
Kristy Karter’s favourite time of year is Halloween and her birthday. Kristy’s friends Kaitlyn, Lara, Lucy and Kellie always went ‘Trick or Treating’ together. It was kind of like a tradition.
Meanwhile Kristy Karter and her mother set out to the local shops. Since her father worked late she rarely saw him so Kristy and her mum had to do the shopping together.
Anyway they were in search of a nice fat Pumpkin to carve for ‘Trick or Treating’ kristy’s favourite time of year. After a while Kristy cried “look mum, look over there there’s the perfect pumpkin”!! Her mum rushed over to where she was pointing and immediately paid for it. After that they wandered around a bit more until they saw it. The perfect knife was there standing before them begging for attention.
By the time the pair got home it was lunchtime. Wow they thought time flies by in minutes. For lunch they had freshly brought scones and jam with a little glass of orange juice. Kristy decided to carve her Pumpkin after dinner so that it will still be fresh in the morning. She decided to make herself useful and go organize her Halloween costume.
She decided to go as a Vampire with a long black dress, sharp pointy fangs, a velvet red coat as red as blood, and pointy-toed black boots.
Then she headed downstairs to have dinner. As soon as she finished she got the knife carefully out of the cupboard and set it on the table along with her Pumpkin. First she thought hmm what type of face should I carve. I know I’ll draw it with fire shaped eyes, a big fat smile with long,sharp fangs to look like a vampire just like my costume.
As Kristy was carving she noticed something very unusual. Her pumpkin was glowing a strange orangey sunset colour. She thought ‘It’s probably just the light’.
That night she and her friends made arrangements to meet at Kristy’s house at 7.00 to go ‘Trick or Treating’. Everyone was quite happy about the time. That night at 10.7 Kristy put her gorgeous costume on and headed down stairs to retrieve her already finished carved pumpkin from her mother’s soft, gentle hands and made her way to the front door waiting for her friends to arrive. At last her friends arrived. Kaitlyn came as a zombie, Lara was a witch, Lucy pretended to be Lara’s pet midnight black kitten and Kellie dressed up as a evil version of her.
While they were walking down the street Lara stopped and stared “Kristy, Kristy your Pumpkin it’s talking!”. Lucy said “Lara don’t be silly it’s probably a technology one, right
Kristy, Kristy”. They all stared at kristy who was ghostly pale waiting for her answer, finally she was able to mutter “ I I carved it myself”.
They all stared at her dumbstruck. “But that’s not possible” lara muttered, “that’s so true”, they all agreed. “Kristy did you see anything strange when you were carving your pumpkin”, Lara said.
“ The pumpkin was kind of glowing when I carved”.
“ did the knife you used look a bit like this?” and showed her a drawing in her history notebook that looked exactly like the knife she had bought.
“ yes, it certainly looks like it”.
“Well then according to my notebook ‘if you use this knife on a vegetable it will make it talk, it may turn evil or nice, it depends’ she read.
“ It depends on what”, Kristy asked.
“ Kristy did you carve the pumpkin while it was still fresh”.
“ Yes, Why?”
“ Well, at least we now know if our pumpkin is evil or not”.
“ So what is it!!”.
“ It is evil”.
“ Whatt, how do you know because to me that is just ridiculous!”.
“ For your information, I know because it says right here that, if the pumpkin is still fresh while it is being cut it turns evil”.
“ Um, Lara is there someway to undo it, because I don’t think I like the idea of walking around with a evil,talking pumpkin”, Kellie whispered.
“Me too, everyone” agreed.
“ Well it says here that ‘ to reverse this curse you must find a replica of that knife and carve your vegetable again in exact spot and make sure the knife is glowing blue’.
“ Obviously we should search at the local shops as that was where Kristy got the original knife”.
In spite of their worries they ran off too Lara’s house to see if she could give them a ride. They burst through the door
“ Hey mum, do you think you could drive us to the local shops before it close because we have a huge mystery to solve!” Lara exclaimed.
“ Wait slow down, did you just say you have a huge mystery to solve because before I agree to anything I would like to know what this is all about”. You see lara’s mother was a detective that is why she is curious to know what was going on.
“Mummm, there is no time we have to leave right now, i’ll explain it in the car. “COME ON!!!!!!
“ Okay, okay lets go”
On the way lar explained with as much detail as possible to her mum.
“Hang on are you saying that Kristy has somehow made a evil pumpkin and that we need to find a replica of it before it’s too late”.
“ Okay here’s the plan as, soon as we get there we will spit up and we we find the knife we will bring to the others, pay for it and get out of there. “We will try and get in there and then get out as soon as possible, got it?”
“ Yes” they all replied.
When they got there they rushed inside found it in record time and hurried back to the car. Lara’s mum drove as fast as she could to Kristy’s house dropped them off and went back home.
They rushed inside and grabbed the pumpkin took it to the dining room and set to work carving it once again. Kristy took the knife from Lara and started carving the pumpkin in the exact same spot. As they stared the pumpkin glowed a bright baby blue colour. When the process was over they all waited to see if anything happened. They waited and waited, but there still was nothing. They were silent for a long time. Anyway it was Lara who broke the tension.
“I might as well look in my notebook and see what it says to do”.
“ It says that ‘once the process has finished and the pumpkin is glowing blue remove the knife wash the pumpkin in water and it should be back to normal, you will be able to tell if it’s back to normal if the carving has turned black”.
Kellie removed the knife washed the pumpkin and checked to see if it was black. Luckily it had turned black.
“ Well at least all that drama is done, now we can sit back and relax”.
So that was the end of their adventure.
The End
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Creative Writing - The Mysterious Red Tuff
The Mysterious Red Tuft
By Mia Booy
Ivy Forest Leaf was a forest dweller and a elementor, having all the powers in the world she could do everything but bring life to the world. Yet although she could magic up most things she wanted, Ivy knew that all she really believed in was just a friend that would understand her, but she knew that would never come into the world. Going to a school with young elves Ivy made little friends, and big enemies she could never control with her magic, of fear of hurting them so her life was always miserable because her only friends were in her imagination. She never got help and always had to stand up for herself on her own and was always ignored, excluded and treated unfairly as though her she was invisible to everyone, life couldn’t get any better. At home things did get better a little better Ivy was a pure tomboy and her brother Tom Leaf helped her control her powers and managed her tomboyish ways being a teenage boy himself, they would talk together about the techniques of being a tomboy so if Ivy ever meet a tomboy like her she would be able to teach so that person would know all the techniques and maybe just maybe she would make a friend. Whenever Ivy thought about that a warm friendly feeling swelled inside her and filled her up. Even though school was hard Ivy knew she could get through the day there were other people living out there with nothing to eat and no money to get more food, wethers ivy had lots of food and money to get more food so why was she complaining. Even though school was hard Ivy knew that it could be worse.
School carried on and the end of term felt as though it would never come. But worst still the bullies were making up for the long holiday ahead Ivy was called the restless target because she was the favourite punching bag everyone loved Ivy, not in a good way though and for these couple more weeks Ivy realized she was loved even more only for her existence, her existence to be punched. Even though Ivy hated this torture it was no point getting back she just went about her none punching days being punched kicked and tortured, the only time she could escape was when school ended she would run through the prickles and thorns and long cutty grass just to be with her family. Being with her family she felt safe sleep would come and school would arrive quick so ivy made her afternoon as wonderfully long as possible. One very uneventful morning Ivy woke to find a trail of small red tufts of fur, that meant an animal had taken a visit but how it had gotten up the ladder was a mystery to her. Ivy and her family lived in a small hut like house, one like the house in the movie the little house on the prairie. So as you can imagine there were stairs leading up to her bedroom (her brother slept down below), so any way the little tufts of fur were spread throughout the house and ran down to a little burrow ivy hadn’t noticed before. Down there was a little fox curled up in thistle down when the fox saw her kind face she leapt into her arms, Ivy cradled the small fox, when the little fox turned its head to nuzzle her face Ivy saw that only one name would suit this bundle, she would call this fox ginger. A few days later Ivy saw her dream come true this fox was all she was waiting for her friend for life the one that understands her Ivy would never feel alone again.
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Creative Writing - The Glowing Pumpkin
Inspired from one of
the images of Harris Burdick chronicles - Just Dessert.
I a.l.t Entertain my audience
The Glowing Pumpkin
By Bianca Arcilla
At home I’m sitting at my rocking chair keeping a secret that nobody is ever going to believe that happened. And because of all that madness, I get scared at night and hide in my blanket and never eat pumpkin soup.
The secret was that last week, I was just in the museum in my taxidermy chamber which is on the top floor. Nobody was there except for me. No wait, there were security guards shining their torches at the marble floor in the insect exhibit downstairs and my assistant outside my door guarding me, back facing towards my chamber. While everybody was doing that, I was trying to stuff the Ghost Pumpkin, also thinking that the insides of the pumpkin should be for some sweet pumpkin pie. When I held the knife readily to cut the pumpkin, I took a last look at the beautiful, neon orange skin of the pumpkin, but then suddenly, there was a blackout. There were no lanterns or candles so I had to do the stuffing in the dark.
When I was went to chop the stalk, my knife was 5 inches away, ready to chop the top. But as I lowered the knife onto the skin, the pumpkin’s orange flesh grew bright like a lantern so, as I saw this I cut a small piece as small as a papercut. Then a mysterious voice made my heart beat fast and gave me goosebumps . It called in a spooky voice“ Be careful my young one cause I‘m going to the insect exhibit.” Then when I lifted the knife I heard a blood curling scream as if somebody was getting stabbed in the neck.Quickly I jumped up and scurried down the stairs like a frightened fox to check it out , I found the security guards dead. As I went up the stairs… again, and into the chamber, and went inside, I cut another piece of the neon pumpkin and the voice repeated itself but called something else it called “I’m going up the stairs my dear” Soon, I heard wooden steps, pang! pang! pang!. When I have cut a third piece the voice called again “I’m now going to the door!” and I found my assistant dead with his blue eyes open and his mouth with blood coming out. But I even saw the doorknob turning and I heard a creak.
Now finally, I had cut the stalk of the pumpkin. But this time, the voice did not speak no more. Instead, I looked up and saw with horror that instead that the spooky voice has revealed itself into pumpkin with a carved face. Like the ones you see in halloween. But also, the pumpkin had a gray ghost body. Worst of all, he didn’t come in peace cause he was holding an axe with my initials on it; M.W. Soon I had a strange feeling why the pumpkin is called the Ghost Pumpkin. But anyway, the pumpkin called “You’ve cut me three times tonight. Now you’re dead meat!”
After this sentence, he tried to give me a straight cut with the axe on my hand but instead the axe was in between two of my fingers, so I ran from the museum and into the street. But as I turned around, the floating pumpkin’s head fell on the concrete, along with the axe. Oh well, maybe he can only live in the museum. Then a passing stranger told me that the thing is still trying to chase me
Now, I don’t know how but, the head of the ghost is sitting on the windowsill still having that smiling creepy face with the axe to make me go into the street so he can attack me, since he stopped attacking me after I went home. But, the pumpkin is still going to haunt me for the rest of my life.
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