Thursday 27 August 2015

Information Report - Platypus

by Chloe Simpson
I.A.L.T infom with an information report.

Whats a very unique animal that is a mix of a beaver’s tail, a duck's beak (bill) and webbed feet, an
otter's body, and fur? Thats right - the Australian Platypus. The Platypus is one of the only two mammals that lay eggs. When the eggs hatch the (puggle) baby platypus is the size a lima bean. Platypus are carnivores which means they eat other animals such as fish and crabs. Which leads to their diet...

The Platypus’ Diet

The Platypus is a carnivore, so they eat meat and fish and their diet mostly consists of fish including shrimp, crayfish, insects larvae and worms. Did you know that the platypus has a small mouth at the bottom of their bill? So they dig out their food with their beak or swim after their prey  with their powerful webbed feet. Did you know that they spend about 12 hours searching for food, a Day ! They also eat 20% of their body weight a day. Platypus have a huge tail in which they store energy. Which leads to their appearance...

The Appearance of the Platypus

Did you know that when scientists first discovered the Platypus they did not think that it was real, they just thought it was all a big joke. When they found it they thought it was either a beaver, a duck, or an otter. All because of it’s unique otter's body and furry fur, a duck’s bill and webbed feet and a beavers tail. The platypus only weighs 2 kg when fully grown and is the size of a lima bean when just born. Which leads to their breeding...

How the platypus breed?

Did you know that some mammals lay eggs ? There are only two mammals that do, the Echidna and the Platypus. The platypus can lay 1-3 eggs and when they hatch the baby is called a puggle. When the female platypus lays her eggs in a chamber at the end of her burrow, she wraps her warm body around her eggs and waits for them to hatch. In her water proof burrow, which can reach up to 30 meters in length and is dug in a riverbank. Which leads to their habitat...    

Where do platypus live? ( Habitat )

When you're walking along in east australia or tasmania near a small stream or a large river, and you see a splashing  in the water, it will probably be a platypus swimming in the refreshing water. Platypus live in Tasmania and south Australia, in the cold water, in a large river or a small stream. Their thick, waterproof fur means they do not get cold in the water which they live in.

Now you know lots of facts about platypus. Baby platypus are called puggles, they live in east Australia and Tasmania. Their babies hatch in a chamber at the end of the female platypuses burrow. Platypus eat meat and fish which means they carnivores. Overall platypus are very unique and special.  

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