Saturday 29 August 2015

Information Report - Chinchillas

By Caitlin Gregan
I am learning to inform with an information report.

Far away in the silent sleeping Andes mountains of South America there lives a small but furry creature called a Chinchilla. Their name might sound dangerous but actually they are one of the most harmless creatures in the world. While most things are sleeping these small creatures are coming out of their burrows to find food for themselves and their baby kits. Did you know that Chinchillas can live up to 10-18 years of age?.  Chinchillas are named after American Indian tribe called "Chincha" which used chinchilla's fur in the past to produce clothes. Chinchillas were hunted nearly to extinction in the previous century because of its dense and soft fur. They are still listed as critically endangered species today.

What they look like?
Chinchillas look a lot like a mouse crossed with a rabbit but a lot more fluffy and are a lot more smaller. Chinchillas come in many different colors, such as grey, white, brown and black.  Full grown chinchillas are usually 25-35 cm long, did you know that Chinchillas can overheat?, In their native home in South America the weather is cool and dry. The best temperature of 15 degrees to 25 degrees centigrade (temperature) chinchillas have a soft furry coat that they can keep clean by having a dirt bath. In their natural habitat there is not that much water so they clean themselves by having a dirt bath.  

Chinchillas habitat
Chinchillas originate from high altitudes of the Andes mountains (in South America) that run along the western coast of Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. A Chinchillas habitat in the Andes mountains is almost 3 miles above sea level that’s 5 kilometers high! Like rabbits Chinchillas live in little holes called burrows, they usually live there during the day but at night they crawl out and find food for their family. The food they often eat is grass, carrots, leafy greens, dried fruit and grains.
What they eat
Chinchillas are naturally vegetarians, they usually eat fruit, stems, flowers, grasses, leaves, twigs and  vegetables and small insects such as bugs. Chinchillas teeth grow continuously throughout their life which need wearing down and need to keeping at the correct length. Not eating the right diet can result in serious dental disease. Chinchilla’s digestive system is very sensitive. A good quality diet is considered to be rich in fibre low in protein and very low on fats.

How they protect themselves
Chinchillas have many predators such as lions,eagles and foxes. If a predator does manage to catch a chinchilla, it will still be able to escape by means of a fur slip. A fur slip is  when a large patch of fur is released at the point of contact, leaving the predator with a mouthful of fur but no chinchilla, This is harmless to the chinchilla, and the fur does grow back.

In conclusion chinchillas are friendly, cuddly animals that look a lot like rabbits.They live in the high Andes mountains on the  western coast of South America, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia. They eat grass, hay, twigs, leaves and fruit. They protect themselves by shedding some of their fur then running away. They are very small like a mouse only a little bit smaller. Next time you're camping out in the Andes mountains at night go outside and turn on your torch and look for the small furry creatures there might be a chance you see one. 

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