Polar Bears
By Leilani
I am learning to inform my audience through a information reports.
What are large, white and furry endangered animals that live in the Arctic? That’s right Polar Bears. Polar Bears are beautiful creatures that like cold climates, fatty meals and long hunting days. They also have very unusual coloured skin and fur.
Did you know that Polar Bears actually have black skin even though their fur appears white, their fur is actually colourless, or clear. The hair shafts are not only transparent, but are also hollow. This causes the light to reflect off his coat causing it to appear white. If this is confusing to you, think of ice and snow. Each flake is clear, but when there's a lot of it,it is white. Their coats are very dense, with an undercoat and other hairs of various lengths. Polar Bears are perfectly suited to live in the extreme temperatures of the Arctic. 
Polar Bears are originally found in the Arctic. The most important habitats for Polar Bears are the edges of pack ice where currents and winds interact, forming a continually melting then refreezing matrix of ice patches and leads (open spaces in the ocean between sea ice). These are the areas of where Polar Bears can find the greatest number of seals. As the sea ice advances and retreats each season, individual Polar Bears may travel thousands of miles per year to find food. Polar Bears are distributed throughout the Arctic region in 19 subpopulations, including Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland and Norway. In the Arctic they have plenty of food to hunt for.
Polar Bears feed almost exclusively on ringed seals and bearded seals. They are also known to eat Walrus, Beluga Whale and bowhead whale carcasses, birds’ eggs, and (rarely) vegetation. Polar Bears travel great distances in search of prey.
In Conclusion Polar Bears are not as cuddly and adorable as they look, in fact they are ferocious hunters who like fatty meals and long hunting days,so you would not want to come across one personally. They feed almost exclusively on ringed seals or bearded seals. They are originally found in the Arctic and have 19 subpopulations.Their hair shafts are transparent and hollow, colourless or clear. Even though Polar Bears are ferocious hunters lets help them overcome the gloomy time and hope they do not become extinct.
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