Tuesday 1 September 2015

Information Report - Our Endangered World

Our Endangered World
   Mia Booy
I am learning to inform my audience through an information report.
Our world is endangered, animals are dying one by one, our land space for rubbish is decreasing, the hole in the ozone layer is a major problem and if we don’t do anything the race of man could be wiped off the face of earth!  Have you ever heard of the three R’s? If not they are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, if everyone followed the three Rs the world would be a better place.

You too can start by Recycling your used cans and  bottles, writing or colored paper, cardboard/boxes, old cereal packets, empty doll boxes, old toilet rolls, empty paper bags, and used milk cartons.
You could also Reduce the amount of rubbish you throw into your rubbish bin. Recycling will help reduce your rubbish by throwing away paper, cans, bottles that you normally throw into your rubbish bin, but this time throw into your recycling bin. Also buy products with less packaging so that there is less to throw out, if the thing you want to get has lots of packing ask a friend if she has the item and if you can borrow it.

Reuse your plastic shopping bags don’t keep using more if you use your own shopping bags over and over again you are saving trees. Coffee cups, plastic cups, cardboard and containers are very useful for storage, or if you have enough storage make something creative. Got some old clothes, toys and furniture don’t throw it away have a yard sale or distribute your stuff to the salvation army shop or distribute your clothes to a near clothes bin, also store leftover food in reusable containers until they are consumed. If you start doing this global warming will be reduced and endangered animals will be saved.

Also try carpooling with your friend, using one car helps save air pollution, or start a compost bin and reduce the amount of food that gets sent to the landfill every day. Have you heard of the cafe that only throws away 1 garbage bag a week? They do this by having a compost bin and using cups that can decompose and composting all leftover foods, if a cafe can do it so can you.

Another idea is... use a computer instead of wasting paper only use paper if your writing has to be on paper or if you can’t take your computer to the place you need to go. Paper is made from trees and they’re not the trees you find lying around after a storm, they are trees that people chop down and waste. If you plant other trees it takes ages to grow and by that time all the animals that spread themselves across that forest would be dead! If you are a Big Newspaper fan and don’t want to destroy trees, you can search the newspaper on your computer to save paper it might even give you a video.

Also save electricity by turning off lights you aren’t using. To make electricity you have to burn coal when you do that you release lots of  fumes, the fumes go out into the air a make more pollution.

There are so many critically endangered animals in the world more than 18 and more than 50 endangered animals in the world too. We need to help them live, putting animals in captivity can help but we need to make sure they do all the things they would do in the wild and making sure there enclosures are big enough. If they are solitary animals we need to make sure that they are comfortable with people coming to look at them, we don’t want these animals to face extinction otherwise if these animals become extinct we could become extinct too, because most animals are important in our lives.

The Honey bee for example has a good role in our life and here's why, Honey bees are important because they pollinate flowers which cows and other animals eat, then the animals reproduce(have babies) and then we kill them for their meat then their calves grow up and the same thing happens. But imagine a life with no bees no cows no flowers we would all eventually die, bees are right now endangered lets bring them back to life.

We need to stop deforestation and taking of animal skins, tusks and horns. We also need to stop irritating animals so that they stop killing themselves trying to defend their lives. Help people make the right choice and make sure these animals are here in our future.

Have you heard of the hole in the ozone layer, it’s made of a thin layer of gas and it’s  right above Antarctica making all the ice melt, well have you if not the ozone layer is covering the whole earth protecting us from the scorching suns UV rays. There are three different types of UV rays, the UVA ray, the A stands for aging this type of ray penetrates deep into our skin and is responsible for aging of the skin and skin cancer. The UVB ray, the B stands for burning it is stronger than UVA rays and targets the outer skin layer causing sunburns and skin aging and also skin cancer, however these rays are stronger during summer time especially between 1.00am-4.00pm.
Last but not least the UVC, this ray is the most strongest and dangerous of the sun's UV rays, thankfully it does not reach the earth's surface due to our atmosphere.

So two of the sun's rays can penetrate the ozone layer but what does the ozone layer actually do? It makes sure the sun's rays are not too hot for our body, but there is one problem there is a hole in the ozone layer it is a big problem to polar bears who are becoming extinct. The hole is created by chemicals that we release into the air like car fumes and smoke from burning coal to make electricity and other stuff. We must stop releasing fumes like these and protect the world because what would happen if the hole in the ozone layer grew bigger and then the hole might become so big the whole ozone layer might disappeared? We would die because the sun's rays would be so strong and too hot so lets not make that happen.

Our world is Endangered we need to stop cutting down trees using cars and burning coal and poaching, but we need to start reusing, reducing and recycling stuff and composting our leftovers. So lets start now save the endangered animals of the world and the ozone layer, and make the world a better place.

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