Monday 7 September 2015

Information Report - Little Penguin

Little Penguin
By: Daniel Kim
I am learning to inform my audience through an information report

Just imagine that you are at the beach at night. It is dark, everything is quiet, you can hear the waves overlapping the sand. Suddenly, you see something small, yes you’re right it is the Little penguin. Did you know the scientific name for Little penguin is Eudyptula. Eudyptula is Greek and it means good little diver. You might be thinking that the Little penguin is the same as the other penguins just small and blue. So You might be right and you might be wrong.

Little penguins are found in the southern coast of Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. All of the Little penguins are here because they can not stay or live in cold places. During day time they spend their time hunting for food and at night they return to their burrow or rock crevice. When they get back home they feed their family and also cuddle up if they are cold.

This is what some animals do as well. Little penguins eat fishes, squids, and crustaceans. They mainly make shallow dives up to 9m(30ft) to catch prey but sometimes they will dive down to the ground to get more fish. They also get food for their family so their family won’t be hungry and live well.    

Breeding is the part when they lay eggs. First when the egg comes out the mum and  dad take turns on keeping the egg warm so it doesn't get cold.. After about five weeks later the egg will hatch. Little penguins do this around August or September.

Overall in Conclusion Little penguins are small and fearless little creatures, so they should be free like us and have a long life..They also should be able to have a long life and should not be killed or extinct.

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