Teacup Pigs
Vidani Rathod
Monday 7 september 2015
I am learning to inform my audience within an information report.
Imagine having a cup of tea then all of a sudden realising there was a little baby pig inside! When Teacup Pigs are born they are so tiny that they can fit into a teacup! Did you know that pigs are also the 3rd smartest animal in the world. These pigs come in many different colours like tan, pink or black. Teacup Pigs also live a decently long life of 5-20 years. Even though Teacup Pigs are tiny at birth they don’t stay this size for long.
Teacup Pigs are born the size of a teacup, this is how they get their name. They grow up to 29 kilograms and 40 centimeters in height, when they reach adulthood, this takes 2-3 years. A pig association claims that Teacup Pigs grow up to 43 kilograms not 29. 43 kilos may seem big but compared to Farm Pigs this is tiny. Farm pigs grow up to 362-544 kilograms! Do Mini Pigs really seem that big now? Thimble Pig is another name they are known by. Further names for these pigs include Miniature Pigs, Mini Pigs, and Micro Pigs. Miniature pigs love to have people around them and they work best with a companion.
Lifestyle & Identification
Teacup pigs need lots of attention because they live as pets in a cage like a hamster, they live a life like pets so they are a custom to being toilet trained. In this life span they either live on a farm or as a pet. When Teacup Pigs are born they are normally around 255 grams. There are lots of sounds Teacup Pigs use to talk such as squealing, hoinking, barking and grunting. Pigs make sounds for a reason. They grunt most of the time as a response to noises that are familiar to them or when exited about food. However the length of the grunt does indicate what the pig is trying to say. If it is a short grunt it means that the pigs is excited, long grunts mean that the pig is communicating with another pig or human or they could just be expressing happiness. Miniature Pigs enjoy a nice roll in the mud outside to keep them cool. Also once in awhile they enjoy a bath to keep them nice and clean. Pigs make other noises to communicate like squealing.This means that the pig is scared, annoyed or hurt.
Teacup pigs have rough hair called bristles instead of fur. These bristles grow longer in the winter than in the hot summer. All miniature pigs are different because they are bred from different pigs such as potbellied, kune kune, tamworth and the Gloucester Old Spot. Since they are breed from
so many different pigs they come in a variety of colours such as tan pink, black, white, silver, red, rust and some of them have spots in black, red or white. Teacup pigs have tails however they are not curled they are straight. They also develop tusks and they have pushed in snouts. Thimble Pigs are very small and cute and they are just the right size to have as a pet although they grow big, fat and mucQQh uglier compared to when they are small, cute tiny. 
There are lots of types of pigs but none are quite like the Teacup Pigs. These pigs come in a variety of different colours and they have a lifestyle of a pet. Thimble Pigs also have many names like Miniature Pigs, Micro Pigs and Teacup Pigs. Micro Pigs are also unique because they have pushed in snouts and straight tails instead of curled. These tiny little Pigs are remarkable. Would you want to have one as a pet?
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