Wednesday 19 March 2014

Persuasive Writing - Cooking with Insects

                                                                 Bugs In Your Mouth
What is creepy crawly and you can eat it? Insects I am a world famous chef and I own a 5 star restaurant Auckland. We have insects on the menu that are full of taste. We have a variety such as deep fried Spiders, Ant ice-cream with Moth sprinkles and many more.

How about trying to add bugs to your meals, that’s right bugs. There are many ways to add insects to your cooking, like if you have a sweet tooth you can sprinkle bugs on your ice cream, sundried bugs add to your roast and many more ways. It’s not only a tasty treat but good for your diet at the same time.

Insects make a good snack instead of chip, insects are good for you were as chips aren’t. Bugs are rich in vitamin, 99% fat free and they are healthy with loads of energy in them. So everyone should cook with insects because they are a healthier option yet used worldwide to inspire tasty exotic dishes.

Insects can be eaten all around the world like in France, Italy and even New Zealand. You can eat them where ever you go. Most countries are famous for some insects dishes like France for their Snails cooked in garlic butter, you need to eat them.

As you can see there are many ways you should cook with Insects. There are lots of ways to add them to your cooking; they are good for you, and eaten all around the world. Yes you must eat Insects.

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