Monday 17 March 2014

Persuasive Writing - Cooking with Insects

Eating delicious insects

Squishy, crunchy and tasty, I’m a world famous chef and everyone should cook with insects because it’s healthier and scrumptious than meat and pork. They are good combinations with anything. They are perfect for a diet and many countries eat insects all around the world.
Insects are not gross at all they are actually extremely good for you. If you’re going a diet insects are the best thing you should eat, they are high in protein, rich in vitamins, low in fat and cheap. Plus vitamins are good for you they are the healthy option and keep you going. Explorers that travel around the world eat insects. By eating that it helped them build energy, get fit and active. Insects can be combined with many tasty flavours it will keep your mouth guessing with delightful new sensations.
Recipes around the world that include insects are very addictive that’s what people have been having for their meals. Countries like France, Canada, Asia and New Zealand eat insects from their garden and in the supermarkets that are very nutritious. Insects are the healthiest you would eat when you’re having tea. In France they cook snail slightly with garlic butter, in New Zealand they cook insects such as HuHugrubs on barbecue and many more.
You must eat insects because you can eat them in many different tasty ways, like you can eat them sun dried or sprinkle them with ice cream and chocolate sauce. You can combine many flavours with insects that make a delicious creamy tasty snack.
These benefits as you can see make you feel better and feel great. All around the world most people eat insects every day with flavours that burst out like a summer breeze. I believe it’s very important that you should cook with insects they give you vitamins, they are very nutritious, they make your day and a delicious healthy option. It’s a great opportunity to eat insects and travel around the world in your mouth and eat new recipes that include insects. SO BE PART OF A CULTURE.

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