Friday 26 September 2014

Ella's Dolphin Information Reaport

By Ella lord

Swimming in the deep blue sea all around the world are dolphins. Dolphins are mammals, So that means that they are warm blooded.


Dolphins eat fish like herring, cod or mackerel, some other dolphins eat squid. The biggest dolphin in the world, the orca, eats seals, sea lions and sometimes even turtles! The average dolphin weighs 200kg to 250kg and will eat between 10kg to 25kg of fish every day.


There are 42 species of dolphins all over the world. 38 of them are marine dolphins and 4 are river dolphins. The most common dolphin is the bottle nose dolphin, it is found all most everywhere around the world. One of the river dolphins is the pink river dolphin. It is found in the Amazon River. The biggest dolphin in the world is the orca witch is also known as the killer whale.


Dolphins are found all over the world. Dolphins can live in the saltwater or fresh waters. But only certain species can live in fresh waters. Dolphins are normally found in warm waters. Sometimes they can be found in cold waters for need of food. Dolphins swim in groups also known as a pod. In a pod of dolphins there are normally about 12 swimming together.
Overall dolphins are amazing creatures. They can be found all most everywhere around the world. Dolphins are beautiful creatures.     


  1. Great information report Ella I learnt alot about dolphins.

  2. wow,Ella i learnt
    a lot of cool and interesting facts when i read your writing.
